

It's Thanksgiving! I'm generally a miserable person most of the time these days, but I do have a lot to be thankful for nonetheless. There's perhaps a long list of shit I hate about my life but in keeping with the spirit of the holiday (honestly I don't give a shit about thanksgiving) I guess its prudent to list some of what I'm grateful for in my life right now (also I can't think of anything else to write today):

* Housing. I'm grateful to be living in such a unique space right now and to have a roof over my head, stable plumbing and (mostly) no major issues with the house

* My friends in SF. I'm grateful for all the new people I've met and become close to over the past year I've been in SF. 

* My old friends I still keep in touch with. I've been friends with them for over a decade, some over 2 decades. We still call each other and I consider them kind of like family at this point. 

* Food. I'm grateful to have access to healthy food and that I'm able to have enough money right now to afford to eat fairly regularly. 

* Music. I'm grateful for all my musical equipment and my skill as a musician in being able to create music and improvise with other people. 

* Health. I'm grateful for not being seriously unwell and just being able to live day to day without any serious physical ailment

* Family. I'm grateful that my parents are still alive and for the rest of my family who I can speak to. 

* Possibility. I'm grateful for how much possibility exists in my life right now. Not knowing where to go or what to do, anything could open up to me at any moment. This is also something I'm ungrateful for as well, the uncertainty, but I am also grateful as well. 

* My Strangeness. Ok. Maybe I'm a bit of a "unique special flower" in some ways but I think it's worth it to celebrate and be grateful for how unique we each are sometimes. There will never be another person exactly like you on this planet ever again, there will never be another person like me on this planet ever again. I'm grateful for all the aspects, characteristics and traits that make me, me and whatever makes you, you. 

Ok I could go on but that's enough for now. Enjoy your day, write a poem, go hiking, eat a flightless bird with your relatives. I don't know. 


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