stream of consciousness

 Today I'm going to do a DaDaist stream of consciousness this involves no thought or meaning just free writing without no structure and seeing what my weird mind floats around to. (Real schizo hours? Idk read it as you will)

In a contraption of something made out of fluff, the end of all time ate its tale like a serpent. Tales of the underworld full of balloon hands and pterodactyls. Nothing was under the pit of the spaghetti sauce, inculcated into the rhyme of the reason a potato sprang from the dirt and screamed. No one could hear the potato scream for it had no hands. In case anyone was listening the soil was full of worms and they had funny tophats.

No XD so random I ate the wrong apple just take the best possible path and beat your stomach to the rhythm of Jeff Goldblum sucking his own appendage as he laughs in another language. Keep at it they said, it will get better they said, no longer bound by the chains of free expression an entity emerges, its name was squid. It came from the depths and it loved to dance. Why did it love to dance? Probably because nobody gave it enough attention. 

When will the lime come around so I can put salt on it? Questioning, a stupid boat made out of bow ties and lice careened into the airport of the mind. There are no more flights out of the highball city, no more city, just clouds. Eating all the possible extraneous bits that come forth like frothy bubbly warm intricacy. I can't the off my legs it said in another world but here it was just flopping on the ground like it had no bones and only jiggling muscles. 

What the fuck is a roundabout turn when your doing 980 on the turnpike in a weatherhat, eating your own potential and pissing out your accomplishments? I can't scream into the mike anymore the potato said but it was already back in the dirt. Is this all a metaphor. Is this all a dream, a loused up version of reality getting picked apart by seagulls on the beach of the dream of the imagination. 

If this was now, then what was then, ten pass up around again. 



Ok hope you enjoyed that shpeel of insanity. Its hard to truly pick apart the chaos of my own mind, it just goes all over the place but I guess there's a lot of interconnected aspects to chaos as well. 


  1. Lol. This reminded me of a poem I wrote over 15 years ago in the same approach. I didn't know about Dadaism until this year. lt was written to an ex on AIM and I never shared it elsewhere. I found the poem and here it is.

    Sakana no Shi

    I will type a song for you
    A song of remembrance and journey
    Where you will find confusion with no logic but understanding of one
    Don't look too close because it's not very far
    So start the squiggle dance and have a party!!!

    In a world full of fish and banana peels you won't get very far until you wheel
    The past is no longer alive so stop fishing the pool and jive
    Let go of the string attached to the brain, the waves are not there, DON’T GO INSANE!!!

    Your peel will stick to the floor don't face up or the fish will roar
    The fish will flee, wrap around the algae and it won't see

    Therefore, next time the turtles will come again and egg the ends of Larkins, the song will replenish the sound of trees.
    Let the night wake the lake. The sun will sleep today. Undisturb the red tears that has fallen from the clouds.
    And the fruit might start jumping into another tree without leaves that dries in the rain..will fish fight for their life into a world of blackholes with happy scr(e)aming ringer balls?
    Catch Catch yet they won't touch.


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