Chronicles of a sex doll part 2


This is Tampa.

Tampa is a sex doll.

If you've been following the last blog post, my roommate has been trying to sell Tampa for some time now.

It did not go as planned. 

As soon as we moved Tampa into the Convent the housemates were either spooked, amused, or indifferent. 

She kept on moving places, I'd wake up in the morning and she would be somewhere else, completely newly configured, sometimes with notes on her that said something like "please get this doll out of the house it is freaking me the fuck out" or some book in her lap (feminist literature) or in a weirdly sexual pose. 

My roommate found out that in order to post her in the sex doll market forums they would have to have pictures of naked.

Me and my roommate were grossed out at the prospect of photographing Tampas privates especially since we didn't know how "used" they were but one of our friends offered to help us out. We decided since it was spooking people out we'd put Tampa in the guest room for now for the photos.

 According to my friend, the "parts" had some sort of lubricated substance in them... according to her it seemed someone at some point had an interesting night with Tampa, we weren't really sure and we didn't want to check ourselves. We got the photos we needed and my roommate  posted them to the sex doll forum. Our friend who took the photos made cool tshirt graphics with the photos.

We left to LA for the weekend and came back to Tampa hijinks. Apparently, someone had tried to use the guestroom on Friday and saw someone rolled up in blankets so they thought the guest room was occupied, so they slept in their friends room instead. The next day they came in and checked and saw the person in the same position as before. They freaked out, they thought it was a dead body! The landlord got called and he started freaking out at having to clear out a dead body in the guest room. 

They came in and everyone was panicking and threw off the covers and what would you know it was none other than Tampa the sex doll this whole time. Everyone burst out laughing and that was the end of that. 

This story has a strange ending

We don't know where Tampa is. 

Shortly after the incident with the guest Tampa suddenly went missing and nobody could find her. We asked everyone at the Convent, nobody had any clue where she had gone. Well, someone knew probably but wasn't coming forward, or maybe someone kidnapped her. Who knows.

A month or so later I saw a thread on the 4chan paranormal board /x/ on possessed dolls and saw a photo of a doll that looked eerily like Tampa.

We still don't know where she is. 

If you do know, my roommate could still use that extra scratch so....uuuhh.. give us a call? Or maybe its for the best. Who knows. 

The end

To be continued?


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