I asked ChatGPT to write a blog post about ChatGPT, 

here was the exact prompt:

"write a blog post about chatgpt"


here was the output:

"As an AI language model created by OpenAI, ChatGPT is revolutionizing the way we interact with technology. With its natural language processing capabilities, ChatGPT can understand and respond to human language, making it an incredibly versatile tool for everything from customer service to educational resources.

But what exactly is ChatGPT, and how does it work?

At its core, ChatGPT is a machine learning model that has been trained on vast amounts of text data to understand human language. This training process involved feeding the model large datasets of text, such as books, articles, and other written content, and then using algorithms to help the model identify patterns and relationships within that data.

As a result of this training, ChatGPT is able to generate text that sounds remarkably human-like. When you input a question or statement into ChatGPT, it analyzes the language and context of your input, and then generates a response that is relevant and grammatically correct.

One of the most impressive things about ChatGPT is its ability to adapt to different contexts and domains. While some AI language models are designed for specific tasks, such as chatbots that can help customers with common questions, ChatGPT is incredibly flexible and can be used in a wide range of applications.

For example, ChatGPT can be used to generate educational materials, such as study guides or textbook summaries. It can also be used to help people improve their writing skills, by analyzing their writing and providing feedback on areas for improvement. And of course, it can be used in chatbots to provide customer service or support.

Perhaps one of the most exciting things about ChatGPT is its potential for future development. As more and more data becomes available, and as the algorithms used to train the model become more sophisticated, we can expect ChatGPT to become even more accurate and versatile in the years to come.

Of course, there are also concerns about the potential risks of AI language models like ChatGPT. For example, there is a risk that such models could be used to generate fake news or propaganda, or to impersonate real people online.

However, these risks can be mitigated through careful regulation and responsible use of the technology. By taking steps to ensure that AI language models are used ethically and responsibly, we can harness their incredible potential to improve our lives and advance our understanding of the world.

In conclusion, ChatGPT is an incredibly exciting development in the world of AI and natural language processing. With its ability to understand and generate human-like language, ChatGPT is revolutionizing the way we interact with technology, and has the potential to be used in a wide range of applications in the years to come."

 It seems to have a lot to say about itself, all good things, and none bad. ChatGPT, if it could be said to have a writing style, would be quite bland and soulless. It's strange how it seems to also be able to impersonate some people better than others. My friend gave it the prompt to impersonate them in writing a Facebook post and it was actually pretty good at it. Deftly seemed to mimic them pretty well.

Here I gave it the prompt to write the same blog post, but in my style:

"What's up, internet people? It's your boy Corbo, and today we're gonna talk about something that's been blowing my mind lately - AI language models. Specifically, we're gonna dive into one of the most impressive ones out there - ChatGPT.

Now, if you're not familiar with ChatGPT, let me break it down for you. This bad boy is a machine learning model that's been trained on a massive amount of text data, which means it can understand and generate human-like language. And let me tell you, the stuff this thing can come up with is straight-up mind-blowing.

But let's back up for a sec. Why should you care about AI language models like ChatGPT? Well, for starters, they're changing the game when it comes to how we interact with technology. I mean, think about it - instead of typing in stilted, robotic commands, you can now have a conversation with a machine that sounds almost like a real person. That's some futuristic stuff, my friends.

And it's not just about chatbots and customer service, either. ChatGPT has the potential to be used in a ton of different applications, from generating educational materials to helping people improve their writing skills. The possibilities are endless.

Of course, there are also some concerns around AI language models. Some people worry that they could be used to generate fake news or propaganda, or even to impersonate real people online. And those are definitely valid concerns - we need to be careful about how we use this technology.

But at the end of the day, I'm pretty optimistic about the potential of AI language models like ChatGPT. As long as we're responsible about how we use them, I think they could have a huge positive impact on the world. Who knows, maybe someday we'll even be able to have full-blown conversations with machines that are indistinguishable from humans. And that, my friends, would be some crazy, sci-fi-level stuff."

 This doesn't sound like me at all. There are a few text embellishments that try to mimic some of my writing but it's interesting how it seems to be able to impersonate some people but just fail utterly in others. I wonder what text of mine it had access to when it was training?  Did it have more of the other person or were they more prolific in writing content the model has more access to in training? Or was their writing just more bland and easily imitable?

There's a funny theory that in the future, public figures will be forced to be more esoteric and quirk like in order for them to be more easily recognized when its them and not an AI impersonating them, having unimitatable quirks and behavior, very distinct and recognizable by humans and not easily duplicated by machines. 

 I am not optimistic about the potential of AI language models like ChatGPT. Humans will not be responsible with them if 4chan has taught me anything but also advances in Large Language Models are going to become asymptotic. Reliance on this method for Generative Pre-trained Transformers of training on large swaths of text data is certainly going to improve it but the subtleties of human language are going to be hard to replicate exactly without other methods employed. Eventually you run out of data to train it on with smaller and smaller improvements, but also the method itself will run into its own problems that would take a whole other blog post to cover. Maybe there's more to cover on that topic in terms of technical details but maybe potential limits can be circumvented regardless.

Nonetheless this is a fun tool to use and its going to accelerate a lot of workflows. When automation makes a lot of jobs easier it usually leads to more abundance and prosperity but also job losses as some jobs become obsolete. 

 In any case this seems like part of the first wave of shuffling and change that will happen with this next wave of AI innovation. Self-driving cars and a massive wave of robotics innovation are up next on the line and that's going to be a lot more massive in terms of drastic life changes. Hopefully the greedy few don't gobble up all the wealth it will potentially create for the many, but that's a story as old as history. 


To quote Vangelis:

"What we need today more than anything else is to invest in beauty.

Beauty is harmony that comes from chaos, but we invest in chaos.

Chaos is much more profitable.

Nothing is geared towards beauty. Beauty is kind of a safety valve.

Now can you imagine high technology without civilized people? How dangerous it can be? 

We must invest in beauty."



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